WHAT IS BLOOD ? - blog

Sunday 18 August 2019


What  Is Blood

Blood is essential to life.Blood circulates through our body and delivers essential substance like  oxygen and nutrients to the body's cells.it also transports metabolic waste products away from those same cells.these is no substitute for blood.it cannot be made or manufactured.generous blood donors are the only sours of blood for patients in need of a blood transfusion.

Blood Components

These are four basic componen
ts that comprise human blood plasma,red blood cells,white blood sell sand platelets.

Red Blood Cells

Red blood cells represent 40% 45% of your blood volume.they are generated from your bone marrow at a rate of four to five billion per hour.They have a lfecycle of about 120 days in the body.


Platelets are an amazing  part of your blood.platelets are the smalleest of our blood cells and literally look like small plates  in their  non-active form.platelets control bleeding.wherever a wound occurs,the blood vessel will send out a signal and travel to thearea and transform into their "active" formation,growing long tentacles to make contact with the vessel and form clusters to plug the wound until it heals.

White Blood cells

(also called leukocytes or leukocytes and abbreviated as WBC)are the cells of the immune system that are involved in protecting the body against both infectious disease and foreign invader.leukocytes are found throughout the body,including the blood and lymphatic system.

Hey,What's Your Type?

every body blood is red ,but it's not all the same.The eight blood types,described using the A,B,and O those letters stand for certain proteins found on the red blood cells.not everyone has the same proteins.
Besides getting a letter or two,a person's blood is either "positive" or "negative" thise is a way of keeping track of whether  someone,s blood has a protein called RH protein .if your blood is positive,you have this protein.If it's negative,you dont't. either way is totally fine .

People have of these eight different blood types:

1.A negative

2.A positive

3.B negative

4.B positive

5.O negative

6.O positive

7.AB negative

8.AB positive

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