How Much Water should You Drink Water per Day?
The body is about 60% water, give or take
you are constantly losing water from body,primarily via urine and prevent dehydration , you need to drink adequate amounts of water.
There are many different opinions on how much water you should be drinking every day
health authorities commonly recommend eight 8 ounce glasses,which equals about 2 liter, or half a gallon.this is called the 8ⅹ8 rule and is every easy to remember.
However, some health gurus believe that you need to sip on water constantly throughout the day,even when you're not thirsty.
As with most thing,this depends on the individual.many factor (both internal and external)ultimately affect your need for water.
This article takes a look at some water intake studies to separate fact from fiction and explains how to easily match water intake to your individual needs.
Does Water Intake Affect Energy Levels and Brain Function?
Many people claim that if you don't stay hydrated throughout the day,your energy levels and brain function start to suffer.
And there are plenty of studies to support this.
One study in woman showed that a fluid loss of 1.36% after exercise impaired the frequency of headaches.
other studies show that mild dehydration (1-3% of body weight)caused by exercise or heat can increased the brain function.
Does more water help prevent health problem?
Several health problems supposedly respond well to increased water intake:
➤constipation:Increasing water intake can help with constipation, a very common problem.
➤Cancer:Some studies show that those who drink more water have a lower risk of bladder and colorectal cancer,alfthough other studies find no effect.
➤Kidney stones:insreased water f intake may decrease the risk of kidney stones.
➤Avne and skin hydration:there are a lot of anecdotal reports about and now water can help hydrate the skin and reduce acne.So far ,no studies have confirmed or refuted this.
Do other Fluids Count Toward your Total?
pain water is not the only drink that contributes to your fluid balance.other drinks and food can have a significant effect.
One myth is that caffeinated drinks,such as coffee or tea, don't help you hydrate because caffeine is a diuretic.
In fact,studies show that the diuretic effect of these beverages is very weak.
Most foods are also loaded with water.meat,.fish,eggs and especially fruit and vegetable all contain significant amounts of water.
5 Tips to Help You Drink More
If you think you need to be drinking more,here are some tips to increase your fluid and read the benefits of water
➤ Have a beverage with every snack and meal.
➤Choose beverage you enjoy,you likely to drink more liquids if you like the way they taste.
➤Eat more frits and vegetables their high water content will add to your hydration.about 20% o four fluid intake comes from foods.
➤keep a bottle of water with you in your car,at your desk ,or in your bag.
➤Choose beverages that meet your individual needs.if you're watching calories go for non -caloric beverage or water,
Water Boost Your Energy
If you're feeling drained and depleted,get a pick-me -up with water.dehydration makes you feel tired .
The right amount of water could help your heart pump your blood transpot oxygen and other essential nutrients to your cells.
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Build Muscle Tone With Water
Drinking water help prevent muscle cramping and lubricates joints in the body.
When you're well hydrated,you can exercise longer and stronger before "hitting the wall."
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How Much Water is Best?
At the end of the day,no one can tell you exactly how much water you need.this depends on the individual.\
Try exactly how much water you need.this depends on the individual.
Try experimenting to see what work best for you.some people may function better with more water than usual,while for other it only result in more frequent trips to the bathroom.
If you want to keep things simple,there guidedlines should apply to the majority of people:
➤When you're thirsty,drink.
➤When you're not thirsty anymore,stop.
➤During high heat and exercise,make sure to drink enough to compensate for the lost fluids.
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