15 interesting facts about earth - blog

Wednesday, 28 August 2019

15 interesting facts about earth

15 interesting facts about earth

Earth is a beautiful place to live and explore.it has plenty of life-spporting features and is constantly evolving. Several scientists and geologist havve explored earth and other planets.Here we have compiled a list of some interesting facts that will help you learn more about our planet.
Earth also  known as the  "Blue planet" because of its bluish appearance from the outer space.almost 70% of earths surface is covered with water.

Let's started

About Earth formation,location,speed,composition,the existence of life

1.Earth is the third planet from the sun and is largest of the four terrestrial planet namely mercury,venus,earth,and mars order of the  planets sun,mercury,venus,earth,mars,jupiter,saturm,uranus,neptune,and pluto.
 2.The existence of water in the liquid phase on earth is sue to the temperature span that exists on the earth: 0-100 degree Celsius,thus converting it into gas and marketing it unusable for consumption by liviing being including humans,animal,and birds,ect. 

3.Earth is the only place in the solar system where water can be present in the  three states -soild,liqid and gas.

4.We are all travelling around the sun at an average  velocity of 107,182 kilometer per hour.and at the same time,we are also spinning with an enormous speed the could be 1000  miles per hour depending on your position on earth.
5.Earth receive between 100 and 300 metric tons.

6.Despite the fact that the earth is made up of more than 70% of water,and 29%soil ,do not be surprised to lean that water account for less than 1% of  earths mass.
7.The moon radius-1,738 kilometer is the fifth largest moon in the solar system after ganymede
9(orbits: jupiter),than (orbits:saturn)callisto(orbits:jupiter),and lo (orbts:jupiter).

8.The moon reflects sun's light on the earth when the sun is on the other side of the earth meaning when there id the night on one side of the planet. 

9.Earth has just one moon whereas jupiter has 67 moons.

10.The force of gravity  the hudson bay region of canada is less than on the rest of the planet.there are various theories that scientists associate with this effect but no one is sure as to why this is the case.

10.It is estimated than life came to existence on earth some 4.1 billion year ago.

11.It is also interested to note that more than  95% of earth 's ocean are still unexplored.

12.The speed of rotation of  earth is gradually slowing down; meaning that in some 140 million year from now,the length of a day on earth would be 25  hours.

13.Earth inner core has a temperature between 5400 and 6000 degree celsius. thus,  making it hotter than the surface of the sun  surface temperature -5500 celsius.

14.Earth core is almost  85-88% iron and its crust is almost 47% oxygen.

15.There  are five layers in earth's atmosphere including -the  troposhere,the stratosphere, the mesosphere,the  thermosphere,and  the exosphere.Earth's atmosphere is the thickest from ground level up to a height  of 50 km and extends up to 10,000km.

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