The Best types Of Food For Child Development and Growth - As parents especially mothers,of course we want to give the best for children.we want children to get the achieve more than what has been achieved by exception in terms of food.
Food is an important factor for early childhood development.this is because the child is in a period of growth which certainly of good nutrition.Of the many types of food,the following types of food are very good for children's growth and development.
1.Coloed vegetables
Green or vegetable such as broccoli,spinach and carrots or the like are the best foods for children's brain developmant. Anti -oxidant,carbohydrates and vitamin contain in vegetable are belived to shapen children's memory.the effect,children to sharpen remember something that seen and learned.
The carbohydrate content in nuts is very sufficient to be used as a source of energy for babies.besides that abundant protein content in nuts will also have a positive effect on increasing children's thinking and memory.
Eating salmon is highly recommended for children.the content of vitamins A,D,E,and K in salmon is believed to be able to increase the child's reasoning ability. salmon does contain high fat this fat is classified as good and easily burned by the body of a child.
4.Fresh meat
Meat has a big enough role growth of bones and brain of children so that is still fresh to be enten by children so that benefits are more optimal. however,don't eat meat too often ,because meat has fairly high cholesterol level.
Milk is very rich beneficial nutrients.milk contains abundant vitamin D, potassium and protein.all of these substances are very good for the development milk of bones nervse and brain of children.carbohydrates in milk can also be used as a sours of energy for children.carbohydrates in milk can also be used as a source of energy for children.drink milk regularly in order to get optimal results.
Banana is one of children's favorite addition to its sweet taste,bananas diverge many nutrients such as sulfur,magnesium,calcium and phosphorus to maintain children's health.
A study at boston university was able to prove that poople who often consume egg have higher memory than those who do not consume eggs.this is because eggs contain substance called choline which are very good for sharpening children's memory.
The minerals and vitamns A,B6 saponin iron and calcium in wheat are good for improvig brai performance in children besides wheat also sontains fiber which is very high so it is good for children's health.
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