Space interesting facts
Scientific,historical and cultural facts about space,galaxies the planets and other object in the solar system.The latest discoveries and interesting space related features can be found on the blog,while the gallery highlights graphics and diagrams that illustrate more aspects of the universe.
Check out some interesting space below:
➤Space does not begin at a specific altitude above the earth,but the line at 100km is a commonly used definition.
➤The temperature in the void of space is about -270.45 c.
➤Space is a hard vacuum,meaning it is a void containing very little matter.
➤The space between galaxies is not completely empty but has an average of one atom per cubic meter.
➤There are an estimated 100-400 billion stars in our galaxy,the milky way.
➤The universe is observed to be 13.8 billion year old has been expanding since its formation in the big bang.
➤41% of the moon is not visible from earth at any time.
➤In space,at astronauts can't cry properly because of the zero gravity!
➤Mars appears red because it's covered in rust!
➤The sun looks 1600 times fainter from the Pluto than it does from the earth!
➤One million,million,million,million,millionth of a secound after the big bang,the universe was the size of a pea!
➤Every hour the universe expands by a billion miles in all direction!
➤Athim ble ful of a neutron star would weigh over 100 million!
➤The international space orbits at 248 miles above the earth!
➤The interstellar gas cloud sagittarius B contains a bllion,billion,billion, litres of alcohol!
➤The temperature on the surface of mercury exceeds 430 degrees celsius during the day and at night reaches up to minus 180 degrees!
➤99% of the solar system's mass is concentrated in the sun!
➤If our sun was just an inch in diameter,the nearest star would be 445 miles away!
➤Light from the earth takes just 1.255 seconds to reach the moon!
➤Jupiter is larger than 1,000 earth!
➤Light reflecting off the moon takes 1.2822 seconds to reach earth!
➤There are over 100 billion galaxies in the universe!
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