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Friday, 27 September 2019

Honey bee can fly between  15- 20 miles per honey

At a top speed of 15 - 16 miles per hour, honey been are not the fastest flies in the bug world. That's because they are built fot-short trips from flower to flower, not for long distance gauls. Their tiny wings mist flap 12,000 to  15,000 times per minute fustto keep their bodies aloft for a flight hame to the hive - usually at a clip of about  12 miles per hour - when fully loosed up with pollen.

A colony can contain up to 60,000 bees

It takes a lot of bees to get all the work done from 20,000 to 60,000 in a hive,here are some of their chores:

  • Nurse bees care for the young,
  • The queen attendant workers bath and feed her.
  • Guard bees stand watch at the entrance of the hive.
  • Construction workers build the beeswax foundation in which the queen lays eggs and the workers store honey.
  • Under takers remove the dead.
  • Foragers bring back enough pollen and nectar to feed the entire community.

3. Queen honey bees store a lifetime supply of sperm The queen bee can live three five years but her biological clock trick a lot faster than you night  think. Just a week after emerging for from her queen call,the new queen flies from the hive to mate. If she don't do so within 20 days, she loses her ability and it's too late. If she's success, however, the queen never needs to mate again.she retain the sperm in her spermatheca and uses it to fertilize eggs throughout her lifetime.

4. A single worker bee produce about .083 of a teaspoon of honey

For honey bees,there's power in numbers. for from spring to  fall,worker bees must produce about pounds of honey to sustain the entire colony over the winter. At a rate of .083 (or 1/12 th) of teaspoon per bee,it takes tens of thousands of workers to get  the job  done.

5.queen honey bee can lay mire than 2,000 eggs a lay

Just 48 hours after mating,the queen begins her lifelong took of laying eggs and is such a prolific egg layer, she can produce her own body weight in eggs in a single day.
An average day's output is about 1,500 eggs and over the course of her lifetime, a queen might lay up to 1 million eggs/As you might queens,she has no times for any other chores,so attendant workers take care of all her grooming and feeding needs.

6. A worker bee many visit up to 2,000 flowers per day.

A worker bee can't carry pollen from that many flower at once,so she visits between so to 100 flowers before heading home.She repeats these around of wear and tear on her body.A hard working  forager may life just three weeks and cover 500 miles.

7.Bees are job creators.

The average american consumes toughly 1.51 pounds of honey each year.on top of that, theu.s department of agriculture estimates that honeybees pollinate up to 30 percent of the country's insect crops-meaning bees pollinate over $ 15 billion worth of crops each year.

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