Dragonflies facts - blog

Friday, 27 September 2019

Dragonflies facts

Dragonflies Facts

Dragonflies and their smaller cousins, damselflies,spend most of their life as larva, or baby dragonflies.They hatch from eggs under water and feed on water insects, tiny fish and even tadpoles. They can stay in the larval stage for up to two years,depending on the species.Then they leave the water and come ashore.Their hard exoskeleton cracks and their wings harden and they become adults.Unfortunately, most adult dragonflies live only a few weeks.

Some Fun Facts About Dragonflies for children's

➤There are over 3,600 kinds of dragonflies on the planet.

➤Dragonflies have sharp teeth. They are fierce hunters. Some dragonflies float over the water like hawks looking for pray.Others dart about grabbing prey quickly. Dragonflies catch insects with their feet.
They are expert hunters.

➤A dragonfly can eat hundreds of mosquitoes in a single day.

➤Dragonflies can fly straight up and down and side.

Dragonfly vocabulary

➽Charming: pleasing

 ➽  Germs:  bacteria or viruses that can make us sick 

➽tadpole:  baby frog or toad

➽Larva:  baby insect

➽Abdomen:  bottom part of an insect

➽Exoskeleton:  hard shell of skeleton on the outside of the body

Friends a small  question:   How long have dragonflies lived on the earth?

Answer: Dragonflies have been here for more than 200 million years. Ancient dragonflies had wings that were  2 feet across  they were probably big enough to eat a small pet.

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